Wednesday 30 June 2010

It's here :)

Stop counting down all you twifans ECLIPSE IS HERE !!
finally :) It is here and it is better than all others and it is BEYOND AWESOME :))

Sunday 11 April 2010


To those who haven't read today's paper kristen says in a exsclusive interview that robert popped the question !!!!

The article
Kristen said: "He asked me to marry him" befor adding hastily "As a joke, though. Well, at least i think so..."

Is robert's question a joke or is it the real deal !!!??? I let you guys know as soon as i can.

Until next time blogers bye :)

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Eclipse Treaser Trailer

It has now been comfirmed that the eclipse treaser trailer will be realised tomorrow and that the full trailer will be realised on friday the 12th march with Robert Pattinson new movie 'remember me'


We will turly die tomorrow after seeing the 10 second treaser trailer and be reborn lol

Sunday 14 February 2010

Awsome Eclipse Stills !

Finally something for us twihards to feed off :) Lets hope they show a trailer soon or we might just have to die lol :)

*To late i think we died already*

*And then we were back*